Who does internal control of VAT posting in your bookkeeping? If the answer is “it is done by one with good knowledge of the VAT rules” then there are no problems.
But if the answer is “no one does” or “it is done by one with little knowledge of the VAT rules”, then that is where we get into the picture.
It is important to use the correct VAT codes in the financial statements to ensure that your business receives a correct VAT deduction and at the same time ensure that you do not deduct too much, as this could mean post-pay, interest and have penal consequences.
- How to deal with hotel receipts?
- What does one do with hotel receipts that are not clearly split into room and meals?
- What about deductions for staff costs, such as meals at internal meetings at the company, presents, internet- and telephone subscriptions, clothes for work, team building, training costs, etc.?
- What are the rules for restaurant visits?
- Can you deduct VAT on promotional items, samples and representation?
- What are the VAT rules regarding automotive expenditures such as fuel, bridge tolls and the like?
- Can sales slips and receipts without name of company be used in regards to VAT return?
- How are invoices, for electronic services from foreign suppliers, but issued with Danish VAT, handled (MOSS rules)?
We will help ensure that you do not cheat the Danish authorities and, just as important, do not cheat yourselves for a tax deduction that you are entitled to.
We offer internal VAT control where we review and check the entries in your Danish travel settlement / employee expenses. This is precisely to ensure that the entries get the correct VAT code so that the VAT you deduct is correct and in accordance with the somewhat complicated Danish VAT rules.
We have a solid knowledge of the Danish VAT rules and are constantly updated on changes in these, so we are well-dressed to handle these types of tasks.
So, in case you feel, like many other companies, that this is a big challenge, then please contact us for further information. We will be happy to visit your company for a noncommitting chat about how we can accomplish this task. It can be through examination of paper vouchers at your address, or through online access to your travel settlement system.
You may call us at +45 97 97 55 55 to talk about how we can help your company or you can write us an email