
The VAT-company Elin Schnedler ApS is a Danish consultancy with key competencies within the field of VAT.

Since 1988 we have continuously gathered great expertise in VAT-rules in Europe and developed a wide range of contacts which makes us operational in most parts of the world.

We always strive to provide customers with:

We look forward to assisting you with your foreign VAT refund


Digital travel and expense system / electronic storage of invoices and receipts? We have got you covered! Read more

[fpcolumns position=’left’ headline=’VAT REFUND’ tagline=’without difficulties’ link=’/vat-refund/’ body1=”VAT registered companies can get the foreign vat refunded on goods and services.” body2=”Avoid complicated VAT rules and time-consuming paperwork. Let us help you get the vat refunded from 36 countries.” readmore=”Read more” picture=”Momsrefusion_liggende.jpg” alt=’Euro notes’][fpcolumns position=’center’ headline=’VAT REGISTRATION’ tagline=’abroad’ link=’/registration/’ body1=’If a company has VAT activities in another country, they will need to be registered for VAT.’ body2=’We can handle all the paperwork regarding the registration including finishing the VAT returns and lists.’ readmore=’Read more’ picture=’Momsregistrering.jpg’ alt=’Spreadsheet pencil and calculator’][fpcolumns position=’right’ headline=’FISCAL REPRESENTATION’ tagline=’in Denmark’ link=’/representation/’ body1=’If a company from a third country have to be registered for VAT in Denmark they need a local fiscal representative office’ body2=’We handle the registration for both third- and EU countries. We submit VAT returns and lists. We correspond with the authorities.’ readmore=’Read more’ picture=’door.png’ alt=’Door’]